U.S. Hispanics Want Improved Oral Healthcare, says Survey
-- Close to half (45%) of Hispanics lack dental insurance and nearly one in five (18%) have not visited the dentist at all in the past two years, compared to 12 percent of the general population.
-- Approximately six in 10 Hispanics feel that a higher representation of Spanish-speaking and Hispanic dentists/hygienists in their community would help them "a lot" in achieving and maintaining better oral health.
Roper polled 1,000 Hispanic adults and 1,000 adults from the general population aged 18 and older who live in the continental U.S. But where the approach lacks bite is on its lack of data segmenting "acculturated" Hispanics from non-acculturated. The results would be more telling if, for instance, we discovered that 95% of acculturated Hispanics (or those who are transplanted to the U.S. and speak English) have significantly different opinions about U.S. oral healthcare than non-acculturated.Moreover, the survey results are well positioned as a publicity tool for P&G when oral health is top of mind after all of us have eaten our Halloween candy.